My Calendar

Tapahtumat: toukokuu 2024

maanantai tiistai keskiviikko torstai perjantai lauantai sunnuntai
9.5.2024(1 event)

Koko päivä: EWRR - 43rd European Workshop for Rheumatology Research

Koko päivä
9.5.2024 11.5.2024


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10.5.2024(1 event)

Koko päivä: EWRR - 43rd European Workshop for Rheumatology Research

Koko päivä
9.5.2024 11.5.2024


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11.5.2024(1 event)

Koko päivä: EWRR - 43rd European Workshop for Rheumatology Research

Koko päivä
9.5.2024 11.5.2024


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14.5.2024(1 event)

20:00: UCB SpArking conversations webinaari


Ilmoittautua voi myös alleolevasta linkistä:

Tämän webinaarin tarkoituksena on perehtyä uuteen tutkimustietoon IL-17A and IL-17F sytokiinien merkityksestä pysyviä vaurioita aikaansaavan tulehdusaktiivisuuden säätelyssä SpA-potilailla.

Webinaarin luennoitsijoina toimivat Parker Instituutin professori Lars Erik Kristensen Tanskasta sekä Professori Dennis McGonagle Leedsin Yliopistosta Englannista.

Tarkemman ohjelman löydät liitteenä.



15.5.2024(1 event)

17:00: Reumatologian SYKE virtuaalitapahtuma


Reumatologian SYKE- SyväsuKellus Erikoistumisen haasteisiin on reumatologiaan erikoistuville ja vastavalmistuneille reumatologeille suunnattu koulutussarja, jonka eri osissa käsitellään reumatologian ajankohtaisia aiheita käytännönläheisesti. Koulutustilaisuudelle haetaan erikoistumispisteitä.

Koulutussarjan viides syväsukellus järjestetään virtuaalitapahtumana.

Aihe: Akuuttireumatologia

Ilmoittaudu 2.5. mennessä mukaan

Kello 17:00-19.30

SYKE 5 - Kutsu

22.5.2024(1 event)

Koko päivä: Scandinavian Association for the Study of Pain 2024 (SASP2024) Congress

Koko päivä
22.5.2024 24.5.2024

Ilmoittautuminen ja lisätietoja:

Wednesday, 22 May 2024: PhD student and post-doc course

9.00 – 9.15    Welcome

9.15 – 10.00    Keynote lecture, professor Eija Kalso, University of Helsinki: The many paths of a researcher – What did they teach me?

10.00 – 10.30  Discussion: What career moves should I make?

10.30 – 10.45  Break

10.45 – 11.15  Questions and answers with top pain researchers

11.15 – 12.00  Short poster talks with feedback

12.00 –  13.30 Lunch

13.30 – 14.15 Docent Hanna Viisanen-Kuopila University of Helsinki and Associate Professor Alexander Jung Aalto University: How to benefit from AI and how to avoid pitfalls

14.15 – 15.00 MPsych Jari Lipsanen: Traditional statistic vs. Bayesian modelling

15.00 – 15.15 Break

15.15 – 16.00  Editor in chief Scandinavian Journal of Pain Mads Werner: Recent changes in scientific publishing (open access, IF)

Thursday, 23 May 2024: Lifespan of pain

8.30 - 8.45   Welcome

8.45 - 9.25   Keynote lecture, Professor emerita Vineta Fellman, Lund University & University of Helsinki: Development of the nervous system in neonates with a focus on nociception and pain

9.25 - 10.00   Docent Anna Axelin, University of Turku: The role of parents in the treatment of pain in neonates

10.00 - 10.30 Break & posters

10.30 - 10.40 A word from our sponsor

10.40 - 11.20 Docent Silja Kosola, University of Helsinki & Docent Matti Hero, University of Helsinki: Two different perspectives on the change from childhood to adult

11.20 - 11.50 Professor Edmund Keogh, University of Bath: Pain during puberty - Does gender/sex have an effect on the experience of pain or its treatment?

11.50 - 12.10 Discussion

12.10 - 13.40 SASP General Assembly

13.40 - 14.15 Docent Christopher Nielsen, Norwegian Institute of Public Health and Department of Pain Management and Research, Oslo University Hospital: The future of pain epidemiology

14.15 - 14.50 Professor Esa Jämsen, University of Helsinki: What is important in aging and pain, and why?

14.50 - 15.25 Harald Breivik honorary lecture, docent Vesa Kontinen: What do we know about age and the postoperative pain experience?

15.25 - 15.40 Break

15.40 - 16.15 Professor Tommi Vasankari: Physical activity and pain

Friday, 24 May 2024: Plasticity, sleep, and the glymphatic system

8.30 - 9.15   Keynote lecture, professor Eero Castrén, University of Helsinki: Neuronal plasticity in chronic pain and its treatment

9.15 - 9.45  Top poster presentations

9.45 - 10.15  Break & posters

10.15 - 10.25 A word from our sponsor

10.25 - 11.00 Docent Tarja Stenberg: Why is sleep essential to health?

11.00 - 11.35 Senior lecturer Katarina Aili: Sleep problems and pain - the cause or the consequence?

11.35 - 12.10 Dr. Vinko Palada: Circadian rhythms in pain and analgesia

12.10 - 13.15 Lunch break

13.15 - 13.25 A word from our sponsor

13.25 - 14.00 Dr. Hanna Antila: Effects of commonly used analgesics on sleep

14.00 - 14.35 Docent Tuomas Lilius: The glymphatic system and its implications for pain and its treatment

14.35 - 15.25 Professor Per Eide: Imaging the glymphatic system in humans

15.25 - 15.40 Closing words

Congress Dinner Wednesday 22 May

Enjoy a seaside dinner at Allas Sea Pool in the middle of the city, perhaps after taking a swim in the Baltic Sea.

·         Allas Sea Pool

23.5.2024(2 events)

Koko päivä: Scandinavian Association for the Study of Pain 2024 (SASP2024) Congress

Koko päivä
22.5.2024 24.5.2024

Ilmoittautuminen ja lisätietoja:

Wednesday, 22 May 2024: PhD student and post-doc course

9.00 – 9.15    Welcome

9.15 – 10.00    Keynote lecture, professor Eija Kalso, University of Helsinki: The many paths of a researcher – What did they teach me?

10.00 – 10.30  Discussion: What career moves should I make?

10.30 – 10.45  Break

10.45 – 11.15  Questions and answers with top pain researchers

11.15 – 12.00  Short poster talks with feedback

12.00 –  13.30 Lunch

13.30 – 14.15 Docent Hanna Viisanen-Kuopila University of Helsinki and Associate Professor Alexander Jung Aalto University: How to benefit from AI and how to avoid pitfalls

14.15 – 15.00 MPsych Jari Lipsanen: Traditional statistic vs. Bayesian modelling

15.00 – 15.15 Break

15.15 – 16.00  Editor in chief Scandinavian Journal of Pain Mads Werner: Recent changes in scientific publishing (open access, IF)

Thursday, 23 May 2024: Lifespan of pain

8.30 - 8.45   Welcome

8.45 - 9.25   Keynote lecture, Professor emerita Vineta Fellman, Lund University & University of Helsinki: Development of the nervous system in neonates with a focus on nociception and pain

9.25 - 10.00   Docent Anna Axelin, University of Turku: The role of parents in the treatment of pain in neonates

10.00 - 10.30 Break & posters

10.30 - 10.40 A word from our sponsor

10.40 - 11.20 Docent Silja Kosola, University of Helsinki & Docent Matti Hero, University of Helsinki: Two different perspectives on the change from childhood to adult

11.20 - 11.50 Professor Edmund Keogh, University of Bath: Pain during puberty - Does gender/sex have an effect on the experience of pain or its treatment?

11.50 - 12.10 Discussion

12.10 - 13.40 SASP General Assembly

13.40 - 14.15 Docent Christopher Nielsen, Norwegian Institute of Public Health and Department of Pain Management and Research, Oslo University Hospital: The future of pain epidemiology

14.15 - 14.50 Professor Esa Jämsen, University of Helsinki: What is important in aging and pain, and why?

14.50 - 15.25 Harald Breivik honorary lecture, docent Vesa Kontinen: What do we know about age and the postoperative pain experience?

15.25 - 15.40 Break

15.40 - 16.15 Professor Tommi Vasankari: Physical activity and pain

Friday, 24 May 2024: Plasticity, sleep, and the glymphatic system

8.30 - 9.15   Keynote lecture, professor Eero Castrén, University of Helsinki: Neuronal plasticity in chronic pain and its treatment

9.15 - 9.45  Top poster presentations

9.45 - 10.15  Break & posters

10.15 - 10.25 A word from our sponsor

10.25 - 11.00 Docent Tarja Stenberg: Why is sleep essential to health?

11.00 - 11.35 Senior lecturer Katarina Aili: Sleep problems and pain - the cause or the consequence?

11.35 - 12.10 Dr. Vinko Palada: Circadian rhythms in pain and analgesia

12.10 - 13.15 Lunch break

13.15 - 13.25 A word from our sponsor

13.25 - 14.00 Dr. Hanna Antila: Effects of commonly used analgesics on sleep

14.00 - 14.35 Docent Tuomas Lilius: The glymphatic system and its implications for pain and its treatment

14.35 - 15.25 Professor Per Eide: Imaging the glymphatic system in humans

15.25 - 15.40 Closing words

Congress Dinner Wednesday 22 May

Enjoy a seaside dinner at Allas Sea Pool in the middle of the city, perhaps after taking a swim in the Baltic Sea.

·         Allas Sea Pool

18:00: Suomen Reumatologisen yhdistyksen ylimääräiseen vuosikokoukseen


Varsinaisessa vuosikokouksessa 25.1.24 ei voitu vahvistaa tilinpäätöstä tai myöntää vastuuvapautta yhdistyksen hallitukselle vuodelle 2023. Toiminnantarkastajien tarkastuksessa ilmeni, että SRY:n toiminta on kehittynyt viime vuosina niin voimakkaasti, että taseet ja tuotot ovat ylittäneet sellaiset summat, että toiminnantarkastuskertomuksella ei voi enää kattaa yhdistyksen lakisääteistä valvontaa, vaan yhdistyksellä tulee olla toiminnantarkastajien sijasta tilintarkastaja (Tilintarkastuslaki 1141/2015, 2. luku 2 §). Vuosikokous päätti, että valitaan tilintarkastaja ja järjestetään mahdollisimman kevyin järjestelyin ylimääräinen vuosikokous vahvistamaan tilinpäätös ja myöntämään vastuuvapaus.


Tilintarkastus on nyt saatu valmiiksi ja ylimääräinen vuosikokous voidaan järjestää. Tässä ylimääräisessä vuosikokouksessa päätetään myös muutoksesta yhdistyksen sääntöihin toiminnantarkastusta koskevien kohtien osalta.

Olisi hienoa, jos mahdollisimman moni yhdistyksen jäsen pääsisi osallistumaan kokoukseen, joko paikan päällä tai etänä. Kokous järjestetään 23.5.2024 klo 18.00-19.00 hybridikokouksena, Teams-kokouksena ja paikan päällä Turussa (TYKS medisiinisen hallinnon kokoustila, rakennus 11, 4 krs).

Esityslista liitteineen löytyy SRY:n sivujen jäsenosiosta-> Muut pöytäkirjat ja liitteet

24.5.2024(1 event)

Koko päivä: Scandinavian Association for the Study of Pain 2024 (SASP2024) Congress

Koko päivä
22.5.2024 24.5.2024

Ilmoittautuminen ja lisätietoja:

Wednesday, 22 May 2024: PhD student and post-doc course

9.00 – 9.15    Welcome

9.15 – 10.00    Keynote lecture, professor Eija Kalso, University of Helsinki: The many paths of a researcher – What did they teach me?

10.00 – 10.30  Discussion: What career moves should I make?

10.30 – 10.45  Break

10.45 – 11.15  Questions and answers with top pain researchers

11.15 – 12.00  Short poster talks with feedback

12.00 –  13.30 Lunch

13.30 – 14.15 Docent Hanna Viisanen-Kuopila University of Helsinki and Associate Professor Alexander Jung Aalto University: How to benefit from AI and how to avoid pitfalls

14.15 – 15.00 MPsych Jari Lipsanen: Traditional statistic vs. Bayesian modelling

15.00 – 15.15 Break

15.15 – 16.00  Editor in chief Scandinavian Journal of Pain Mads Werner: Recent changes in scientific publishing (open access, IF)

Thursday, 23 May 2024: Lifespan of pain

8.30 - 8.45   Welcome

8.45 - 9.25   Keynote lecture, Professor emerita Vineta Fellman, Lund University & University of Helsinki: Development of the nervous system in neonates with a focus on nociception and pain

9.25 - 10.00   Docent Anna Axelin, University of Turku: The role of parents in the treatment of pain in neonates

10.00 - 10.30 Break & posters

10.30 - 10.40 A word from our sponsor

10.40 - 11.20 Docent Silja Kosola, University of Helsinki & Docent Matti Hero, University of Helsinki: Two different perspectives on the change from childhood to adult

11.20 - 11.50 Professor Edmund Keogh, University of Bath: Pain during puberty - Does gender/sex have an effect on the experience of pain or its treatment?

11.50 - 12.10 Discussion

12.10 - 13.40 SASP General Assembly

13.40 - 14.15 Docent Christopher Nielsen, Norwegian Institute of Public Health and Department of Pain Management and Research, Oslo University Hospital: The future of pain epidemiology

14.15 - 14.50 Professor Esa Jämsen, University of Helsinki: What is important in aging and pain, and why?

14.50 - 15.25 Harald Breivik honorary lecture, docent Vesa Kontinen: What do we know about age and the postoperative pain experience?

15.25 - 15.40 Break

15.40 - 16.15 Professor Tommi Vasankari: Physical activity and pain

Friday, 24 May 2024: Plasticity, sleep, and the glymphatic system

8.30 - 9.15   Keynote lecture, professor Eero Castrén, University of Helsinki: Neuronal plasticity in chronic pain and its treatment

9.15 - 9.45  Top poster presentations

9.45 - 10.15  Break & posters

10.15 - 10.25 A word from our sponsor

10.25 - 11.00 Docent Tarja Stenberg: Why is sleep essential to health?

11.00 - 11.35 Senior lecturer Katarina Aili: Sleep problems and pain - the cause or the consequence?

11.35 - 12.10 Dr. Vinko Palada: Circadian rhythms in pain and analgesia

12.10 - 13.15 Lunch break

13.15 - 13.25 A word from our sponsor

13.25 - 14.00 Dr. Hanna Antila: Effects of commonly used analgesics on sleep

14.00 - 14.35 Docent Tuomas Lilius: The glymphatic system and its implications for pain and its treatment

14.35 - 15.25 Professor Per Eide: Imaging the glymphatic system in humans

15.25 - 15.40 Closing words

Congress Dinner Wednesday 22 May

Enjoy a seaside dinner at Allas Sea Pool in the middle of the city, perhaps after taking a swim in the Baltic Sea.

·         Allas Sea Pool
